22. 10. 2024 - Mgr. Hana Martinková

Pablo y Pedro, španělští studenti na Erasmu na Gymzlu

V období od 24.9. do 6.10. naši školu v rámci individuálních mobilit v programu Erasmus+ navštívili dva studenti z partnerské školy IES Comarcal ze španělské Valencie, Pedro a Pablo. Měli možnost se účastnit výuky vybraných předmětů. Podle reakcí si svůj pobyt na našem gymnáziu užili, o čemž svědčí také zpráva od jejich vyučující a organizátorky mobilit na jejich škole. Všem, kteří se na úspěšném pobytu obou studentů podíleli mnohokrát děkuji.

Dear colleagues at Gymnazium Zlin,

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for hosting our two students at your institution during the two-week Erasmus+ exchange program. Thank you for the excellent organization and for adjusting the schedules to facilitate their integration into the classes. We are delighted to hear that both the teachers and students at your school welcomed our students warmly and provided them with all the necessary support.

Our students really enjoyed their stay at your school and brought back only positive experiences.

I would like to express special thanks to my Czech colleague Hana Martinková whose dedication and hard work, that started last May, were crucial to the success of this exchange. Her assistance with the documentation and all logistical matters has been invaluable.

I look forward to future collaborations with her and strengthening the ties between our schools.


With much appreciation, 

Begoña Miranda Gonzales